29 сентября - 21:54.

  Стала известна дата чемпионата, это 4-5 Ноября.
  Вся инфа по нему на паге http://nskchamp.narod.ru.

23 сентября - 21:13.

  Вышел новый релиз кваки3 под номером 1.25 (мне интересно, а чего номер-то такой у него :-). Скачать можно прямо отсюда. Ставится только на версию 1.17, имхо она уже у всех давно такая, если нет, то в разделе Files у меня есть ссылка откуда можно взять 1.17. Так... что нового в 1.25? Об этом написано на www.fileplanet.com. У кого инет плохой или лень лезть, то вот немного из того, что там написано (кто не знает английского - я не виноват (c) :-)   :

| CD Check Disabled
Quake III Arena no longer requires the game CD to be in place before starting a single player game or before starting a multiplayer server that uses bots.

| Cheating Countermeasures
Since point release v1.17 was distributed, several game "hacks" have cropped up that circumvent the game features intended to prevent on-line cheating. Version 1.25 counters those hacks and provides additional protection against future cheating methods.

| Menu Change
On the in-game menu, the word "START" now appears instead of the word "TEAM." When you enter a game for the first time, select START. Your allowed options are in red. For team games, selecting JOIN RED or JOIN BLUE puts you on a team. For Free for All, you enter the match. For Tournament, you enter the queue waiting to play your match. SPECTATE moves you into the ranks of those watching the game.

| New Medal Awards
Two new medals will be awarded to players during Capture the Flag games. These medals recognize individual player actions that often go unheralded in the heat of play.

| Score Balloons
When a player scores a point or points (including negative points) in any game type, the awarded point value floats up from the target like a balloon and slowly fades out.

| Reselect Models
Players who regularly play team games like Capture the Flag or Team DM will want to specify the model they use in team games, which can be different from the ones they may use in Free for All (FFA) or Tournament matches. Type "/team_model " in the command line of the console and hit Enter. If you want your head to be different than the one normally used by the model, type in "/team_headmodel " and hit Enter. Example: "/team_model major" and "team_headmodel mynx" will give you a model in team games with mynx's head sitting on major's body. The same can be done for FFA and Tournament games. /model selects the body model and /headmodel the model used for the head. Player sounds are those specificed for the body model.

| New Console Commands
The following console commands ("c-vars") have been added to the game since v1.17

/headmodel - changes only the head of the model to another model. Example: If you are playing as the Grunt model, /headmodel "sarge" will stick Sarge's head on Grunt's body. Selecting a new model will load both the model and its matching head.

/team_model - changes to a model that will only be used during team game play.

/team_headmodel - changes head model to a head that will only be used during team game play.

/cg_scorePlums - this enables the display of the floating scoring number balloons. The default is 1 (on).

/r_ext_compress_textures was renamed to r_ext_compressed_textures and defaulted to 0. If you are using an S3 video card, you will want this to be set to 1. All other users should set it to the default of 0.

/set disable_ - This command allows the administrator of a server to disable a particular item from the map. As an example: "/set disable_weapon_bfg 1" will make it so that the bfg does not show up in a map. Changing the value back to 0 and executing a /map_restart command will bring the disabled item back.

  Тут меня просили кинуть инфу о намечающейся ЛАН-парти в Академе.. Все о ней есть на сайте клуба 'Camelot', который поздравляю с апгрейдом машин :-)
  Да, кстати, намечается чамп по ку3, дуельный, все дела.. Инфа такая (об этом на борде Камелота еще есть): "В начале октября в клубе "Компьютерный Центр" проводится дуэльный чамп по ку3. Тачки: C-500/128 RAM/TNT2 или Voodoo 3 16Mb/. Участие в чемпионате стоит 20р. Число участников - 64." Все подробности о проведении и т.п. скоро обещались быть (где-то я их уже правда видела.. эх, память девичья ;-).

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